- short terminal repeat
- короткий концевой повтор, STR-последовательность* * *• STR-последовательность• короткий концевой повтор
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
Direct repeat — Direct repeats are a type of genetic sequence that consists of two or more repeats of a specific sequence.[1] Direct repeats are nucleotide sequences present in multiple copies in the genome. There are several types of repeated sequences.… … Wikipedia
Transposable element — A bacterial DNA transposon Transposable elements (TEs) are sequences of DNA that can move or transpose themselves to new positions within the genome of a single cell. The mechanism of transposition can be either copy and paste or cut and paste .… … Wikipedia
Repetitive DNA — Als repetitive DNA bzw. repetitive DNA Elemente werden DNA Bereiche im Erbgut bezeichnet, deren Sequenz aus sich wiederholenden Abschnitten besteht. Hier soll eine Zusammenfassung und Übersicht der Bezeichnungen dargestellt werden, nähere… … Deutsch Wikipedia
heredity — /heuh red i tee/, n., pl. heredities. Biol. 1. the transmission of genetic characters from parents to offspring: it is dependent upon the segregation and recombination of genes during meiosis and fertilization and results in the genesis of a new… … Universalium
HIV — Classification and external resources Diagram of HIV … Wikipedia
Retrotransposon — Retrotransposons (also called transposons via RNA intermediates) are genetic elements that can amplify themselves in a genome and are ubiquitous components of the DNA of many eukaryotic organisms. They are a subclass of transposon. They are… … Wikipedia
Lentivirus — Virus classification Group: Group VI (ssRNA RT) Family: Retroviridae Subfamily: Orthoretrovirinae … Wikipedia
Mass drug administration — Distribution of antimalarials in Italy in the 1930s The administration of drugs to whole populations irrespective of disease status is referred to as mass drug administration (MDA). This article describes the administration of antimalarial drugs… … Wikipedia
Transposon — Transposons are sequences of DNA that can move around to different positions within the genome of a single cell, a process called transposition. In the process, they can cause mutations and change the amount of DNA in the genome. Transposons were … Wikipedia
Discovery and development of integrase inhibitors — The first human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) case was reported in the 1980s. Many drugs have been discovered to treat the disease but mutations in the virus and resistance to the drugs make development difficult. Integrase is a viral enzyme that… … Wikipedia
virus — viruslike, adj. /vuy reuhs/, n., pl. viruses. 1. an ultramicroscopic (20 to 300 nm in diameter), metabolically inert, infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts, mainly bacteria, plants, and animals: composed of an RNA … Universalium